Sharing Progress in Cancer Care

SPCC pursues the promotion, coordination and implementation of programmes, projects and initiatives in the field of cancer education, with particular emphasis on scientific progress and innovation in the Cancer Care Continuum.

03/03/2025 12:00
Data management and efficiency
Pisani Eduardo, Cascini Fidelia, Kalra Dipak, Saunders Christobel
05/03/2025 18:00
People, places, and platforms that support a cancer patient’s journey
Filipovic Aleksandra, Bierman Steve, Piris Alejandro
13/03/2025 12:00
Data policy and impact on Cancer Care Continuum
Presti Pietro, Berchet Caroline, Hickey Matt, Van den Bulcke Marc




Our results in numbers

Online and on-demand educational hours via OncoCorner
Followers on social media
Community members